Is your time valuable? Of course it is! If you’re a caregiver for someone with a feeding tube or you have a feeding tube yourself, your time is even more valuable.
Leisurely meals are a thing of the past if you have a feeding tube. Gathering up your delivery supplies, blending your nutrition or opening containers of pre-made nutrition all take time and pre-planning. What if you go to school or work? Being on the go adds even more layers of complexity to mealtime.
If you bolus feed you have the added complexity of filling and delivering SIX syringes…ugh…who wants to do that? What are your options? Switch to an enteral feeding pump? That will bring in a whole new batch of challenges.
This is precisely the reason the bFed System was created. Time is too precious of a commodity to spend gathering equipment and filling and delivering six bolus syringes at every meal – 18 per day!
1. Fill multiple Bolee Bags with your favorite nutrition (commercial or blenderized) and store them in your refrigerator. At mealtime all you have to do is grab a Bolee Bag and connect to have your meal.
2. Prepare and fill a weeks worth of blenderized nutrition in Bolee Bags and store them in your freezer. Each night take out what you need for the next day and thaw in the refrigerator.
3. Fill multiple Bolee Bags with water and store them in your refrigerator. You will always have hydration on hand when you need it.
4. For a quick snack, just connect the Bolink Small Cap
to store bought puree pouches ( not
Gerber Smart Flow spouts). Could anything be quicker?
5. Fill and deliver one Bolee Bag, rather than six syringes, at each meal – significantly faster with less mess.
6. Bolee Bag is both your storage container and delivery mechanism, less equipment means quicker meals.
7. The five inch Bolink tubing primes significantly faster than the 70 inch gravity sets, meaning you don’t have to wait as long to begin your meal.
8. Simply squeeze the Bolee Bag to control how fast the fluid flows.
9. Caught out of the house without your tube feeding food? Don’t go all the way home – stop at the closest grocery or convenience store to buy a puree food pouch and connect with the the Bolink Small Cap (we recommend keeping a Bolink Small Cap in every glove compartment).
10. Save time cleaning – no exploding syringes or messes to clean up!
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