Tubies, some who uses a feeding tube to obtain nutrition, very quickly becomes an expert tube feeding "plumber". Maintaining your tubing means learning all the hacks and work arounds needed to keep your tubing connected and working. Connecting a Bolink® Large or Small Cap to your to your feeding tube or extension set is easy and not a "plumbing" challenge, but right now it could be confusing. The tube feeding market is in the middle of converting to the new ENFit® connector system. To learn more about ENFit, click here to read our blog on it. Some of the advantages of ENFIt are:
Communication about ENFit has been very uneven especially now in the midst of a pandemic, which complicated it even further. As a result, new supplies sometimes show up without any warning or explanation. Or, even if your home care company let you know about ENFit, there are no directions or the directions you receive, don't make sense. Bottom line, it is hard to figure out which parts go together and how to connect them.
To help you out we've created two short videos that show how to connect the Bolink tubing (Large or Small Cap) to G tubes or extension sets used with Low Profile Tubes (MIC-Key® or Mini-One®).
Feeding tubes with a funnel are what people are used to. To connect tubing to it, all you do is plug the "Christmas Tree" (pictured above) or a catheter tip syringe into the feeding tube and you're set. If you're using a Bolink Cap with a funnel feeding tube or extension set, you have to screw an ENFit adapter on to the ENFit connector on the tube as shown in the picture above. You can buy the ENFit adapter from our store or, if you are getting the bFed System from a home care supply company (DME), you'll have to request that ENFit adapters be included in your monthly kit.
The video below shows how to connect a Bolink Cap to a feeding tube or extension set. Since extension sets come in different lengths and designs, we've included a few different brands in the video. One note, for the best nutrition flow always use a bolus extension set with a straight tip.
Even though it looks like an ENFit connector should fit snuggly into the funnel port on a extension set, it doesn't. The threads on the ENFit connector do not match the grooves in the funnel port on the extension set. The two parts do not connect securely enough to create a seal. Once nutrition starts flowing you'll have mess on your hands.
During the next 12 months conversion to ENFit will speed up which means at some point in 2021 your feeding tube and delivery system will change to ENFit. If you're using the bFed System, you'll be ready to go as it is ENFit compatible already. The pictures above show how the connection works for G Tubes and Extension Sets for MIC-Key or Mini-One tubes. For MIC-Keys and Mini-One the good news is that your tube won't change in the conversion, only your extensions sets will change.
To help you sort this out, we created a second short video showing how to connect ENFIt connector on Bolink Caps to different types of ENFit tubes and tubing.
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